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Showing posts from October, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Ghostly

Untitled , a photo by Smree on Flickr.

Instagram Friday (10.26.2012)

It's Friday once more! Which means its once again time to share my Instagram photos of the week.  First up, it's the Palace Theatre from the Renaissance Festival! My copper rose :) My new bracelet from the Ren Fest. Super Blues Brothers! (I got this from TeeFury , which is an awesome site, in case you didn't know!) Pepper chilling in the backseat of Vader on her epic journey to Petsmart & Petco. Looking at some potential playmates. She was fascinated by the mice/etc, but afraid of the chinchillas. Of course, it was afraid of her as well... Too much excitement. :P A gift from my lovely co-worker. I love Diagnosis Murder! Anybody want a cookie? That's all, folks! Check back next week for more filtery, Instagramy goodness!

Carolina Renaissance Festival

A group of us decided to make a trip to the Carolina Renaissance Festival this year. Iā€™ve never been, so I had no idea what to expect. We stayed all day, and had a FANTASTIC time! Hereā€™s a few of my favorite photos and highlights of the day. Note: You can click on any photo to enlarge it (and therefore see it better!). Dancers at the gate. Nick throwing dull, bent knives. (He seemed to have fun though!) There were SO many gorgeous things to buy ā€“ but unfortunately a lot of them were expensive. I spent a lot of time drooling over these cuffs. So pretty! I just found it amusing, haha! We ended up seeing a few of the shows. I think its actually impossible to see them all, honestly. This was Cu Dubh, a pipes and percussion band. They were excellent! Right after Cu Dubh was Barely Balanced, which was a comedic acrobat troupe. This was probably the best show we saw, as it kept us in stitches the whole time. Plus, they were amazing acrobats...

Wordless Wednesday - Web Surfing

Surfin' the Web , a photo by Smree on Flickr.

Instagram Friday (10.19.2012)

I love Instagram.  It's such a fun way to create and share photos. I fell in love with it after downloading it onto my iPod, so I was unbelievably excited when it finally came to Android.  Anyway, dear blog readers, I thought it'd be fun to do what is known around the interwebs as 'Instagram Friday', where you post a roundup of the snapshots you've taken and posted for the week.  So here we go! It's me! XD   The latest edition to my Beatles movie collection.       My Thor inspired armwarmers.   And of course, I had to make Loki inspired ones as well. A magazine dedicated solely to 'The Hobbit'. Pure nerdtastic joy. :)   A spidery door hanger craft.    Detail on one of the dishcloths I made recently.  Deliciousness in a bottle. And that's all folks! Tune in next week, same Bat-time, same Bat-ch...

Adventures in Pinterest - Hair Mask

Have you checked out Pinterest yet?    If you haven't you should, because it's pretty nifty. It has pretty much anything and everything you'd ever want/need/etc. Recipes, organizational tips, ideas and really does have it all. I love the different craft ideas and such I've found on there. (Here's the link for my boards , if you want to follow me!) Anyway, I recently saw a pin for something called a 'hair mask' . It only had two ingredients, and seemed easy enough, so I decided to give it a try.  Famous last words: "I saw it on Pinterest." Here's the ingredients. Olive oil and honey. That's it.  (and yes, the honey is upside down. That's just how I roll.)  Three tablespoons of the oil & one tablespoon of honey was what the instructions said. So that's what I did.  You were then supposed to heat it in the microwave for thirty seconds. I did that, and then stirred furiously. M...

Wordless Wednesday - Presidential