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Showing posts from December, 2012

Instagram Friday (12.28.2012)

Hello! Sorry for being so quiet this week, but you know, Christmas. :) I enjoyed spending time with my family and such, and it was lovely. I hope yours was too! Anyway, I have a few photos to share for my weekly Instagram roundup. So here goes! Me! With a bit of a fisheye effect going on, thanks to my new cell phone lenses! Funky owl hat - which was a Christmas present finished just in time! I have a very patient dog. I wrapped her in lights just to take this.. And maybe a few more. Gift from a kiddo at the church. Love it!! This is Willie! He helped us go caroling through the town. XD Pepper is not a fan of my Christmas present, apparently. I needed a gold one too, okay? :P Om nom. Cookie anyone? ( I only slightly burnt them ) Me on Christmas Day with my crazy hair! I really like my Portal Turret (my awesome brother gave it to me.) It's motion activated so it ...

Instagram Friday (12.21.2012)

Hey, wasn't the world supposed to end today? Guess that didn't go as planned, then.  Anyway, it's FRIDAY! Hooray! Time for more Instagram-y goodness! (Oh, on a side note, this Instagram privacy policy shenanigans? Insanity.) Let's do this. Look what arrived JUST in time to wear to see The Hobbit! (Which is an excellent movie, in case you were wondering.) Pepper and her Christmas present :) New little bracelet. I've been branded. XD I had breakfast with Cap this week. Jealous? Rainy days and Mondays...  'One ring to rule them all..'  A stow-away-asaurus!? (I love Photojojo !)  Boy penguin.  Girl penguin! This was on my desk this morning when I arrived at work. I have no idea where it came from! But: Mmmmm, chocolate... Well, that looks like a wrap, folks! Happy Happy Friday! :)

Christmas Carols with Yoda

 The other day I came across this picture:    (image from And I promptly decided that Yoda would be the most fun person/Jedi to carol with, period. Picture it. ā€œA Merry Christmas, we wish you!ā€ ā€œUpon a midnight clear, it came...ā€ ā€œTo the world, Joy there be!ā€  "Night that is silent..." What do you think? Would you carol with Yoda? What would you sing??

Wordless Wednesday - The Hobbit

Instagram Friday (12.14.2012)

 It's Friday once again! Hooray!! I love Fridays. Especially this particular Friday, as today is the day The Hobbit is finally out in theatres and I can go see it! (I may or may not be a weeee bit excited about this.) Anyway, it's time for the weekly Instagram roundup!  Hold on, cause heeere we go...  My festive nails. Ho ho ho! Pepper is not quite a fan of baths.  My attempt to make a cute-sy Christmas card using buttons.  This is what exhaustion looks like, folks.  Silver sparkles!  Penguin hat in progress. Required reading, of course. XD Alrighty, that does appear to be the end of our Instagram roundup for the week!  Happy Friday to you all!

Tanglewood Festival of Lights

 I love going to see Christmas lights. It's fun to ride around neighborhoods and look at the houses that are decorated (and store ideas for my future home!) but it's also loads of fun to pile into the car and go to places that are set up special, such as Tanglewood.  Tanglewood Park is a golf course, primarily. But at Christmas time they deck it out with lights and such, and it's awesome. It's so popular that this past weekend, people waited over SIX HOURS to get in. It's called the Festival of Lights. We went last year with some friends, and decided to carry on the tradition this year.  Although lights are EXTREMELY hard to photograph, I managed to snag a few worthy enough to share. This is only a SMALL idea of what all there was to see. Moving lights were hard to photograph (of course). But I have a few. This one wasn't the best, but it was the best I managed to get as we were heading in.   This was one of the smaller light fixtures, bu...

Wordless Wednesday - O Christmas Tree

Office Decor Hack - Picture Presents

The office where I work was built sometime during the 1960's. The majority of the decor has remained the same since that time.  Case in point, these photos. I hate them. With the burning of a thousand suns. Bleh.  At one time, they might not have been so bad, but now they're just a faded, outdated, ugly mess.  Anyway, last year I decided that at least for Christmas, as part of our office decor, we should turn these photos into presents! (Excuse the terribleness of this photo) But! Isn't it cute?? Now, in case some of you might want to do this on your own... You will need: One photo/frame to cover Wrapping paper Scissors Tape Gift bow (optional) Start by cutting the paper to fit your frame. You don't want to cover the entire frame, just the front, so keep that in mind as you're cutting. Then, tape the top and bottoms of the paper down. You can trim it up so it...