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Showing posts from July, 2017

DIY Refreshing Face Mist

A few months ago, I ventured into the world of essential oils. I ordered a starter kit from Young Living , and have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the oils and all that they can do. One of my favorite things has been incorporating the oils into my skincare routine. I've used lemon and lime essential oils in my DIY Makeup Remover - Lemon is considered to be a good astringent, and lime is said to remove dead skin cells.* *(Please note, I'm not a dermatologist or anything, so anything I say is from my own research and information available online.) I've also recently gotten addicted to facial mists - they're quick, refreshing, and kind of fun! And since I'm trying to use my oils and natural ingredients as much as possible, I decided to try to make my own face mist. I've made a couple different blends, but this is probably my favorite one so far. I typically use it twice a day (morning and night).

Pelican's Snoballs

For some time now, the buzz among my family and friends (both online and in real life) has been about Pelican's Snoballs. Everyone who has tried one says they're amazing. And since the weather here in good ol' North Carolina has started to reach peak heat/humidity levels, I was definitely intrigued.  What IS a Pelican Snoball, you ask? It's shaved ice. According to the website - it is New Orleans style shaved ice. I had no idea such a thing existed! Since there were so many people talking about it, I figured it had to be worth trying out.  So I searched out the closest one, and headed out. 

Kawaii Kitty Face Bag

Apparently, when it comes to bags, I am super picky. All I want is something cute and functional that won't make my bank account cry. Is that so much to ask?! Recently, I went on the search for a new bag, and was sorely disappointed with my options. I saw several I liked but none just seemed to be "the" bag. I love cross body bags, and I like them to be big enough and have enough pockets to carry my stuff without being too cramped, but something TOO big. Maybe I am just that picky. >.< I ended up purchasing a plain black canvas bag from Walmart, and decided I would add my own flair to it, with paint or whatever struck my fancy.