Maybe you have decided that this year will be the year that you learn Korean (or maybe another language!). While learning a new language can be incredibly rewarding and beneficial, it can also be a difficult endeavor. Though I am not a language learning expert, here are three simple tips for Korean learners that have helped me along my journey. 1) Do something language study related every single day. Whether it’s five minutes or fifty minutes, do something every single day that can help you progress. For example, I typically try to spend around thirty minutes each day studying Korean. But let’s be honest, sometimes that just isn’t possible! To help myself stay on track, I utilize the Duolingo app, and here’s why; On days I don’t have a lengthy amount of time to study, I can do one or two quick lessons, or even just a simple review. Even those small increments of time will make an impact, and can help you along your language-learning j...
A Southern geek with a creative streak