I don't know about you, but I love Instagram Fridays.
(which is why I post them here, hehe)
I think it stems from my massive love for Instagram. Makes sense, right? It's actually one of the first apps I downloaded onto my new Samsung Galaxy player. XD
Anyway, enough of that. Let's get on with it, shall we?
"Oh crystal tree, oh crystal tree, your branches look like broccoli.."
Selfie using the Galaxy player (which replaced my iPod. Yay Android!)
Pepper the incredible snoring dog.
Yarn explosion! Wheee!
Dollar Tree decor at the office. :)
Don't think this is right...hehehe!
Newly completed owl hat!
Annnnd that's a wrap!
Hopefully good things to come next week. Lots of ideas :D
Happy Friday!!
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