I love the availability of free crochet patterns online. Between Ravelry, Crochet Pattern Central, and others, there are SCORES of patterns out there for nearly everything you'd ever wish to make.
As such, I've accumulated several patterns over the years that are favorites, that I make time and time again.
I thought it might be fun to highlight a few here from time to time.
First up is the 29 Stitches Dishcloth pattern, by Heather over at The Good Life.
I found this pattern on Crochet Pattern Central, I believe. (I think it's also on Ravelry, but I'm not sure.)
It's quickly become my favorite pattern for dishcloths, though I do veer from the actual pattern a bit.
Rather than the H hook, I use an I, which makes the cloth bigger (I do this to allow for shrinkage, as cotton draws up SO much after being washed). Also, I do a simple half double border, as I simply couldn't be bothered to figure out the reverse single crochet.
Anyway, it works up beautifully, and I would highly recommend it!
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