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Review: Angel Glow Ring Hair Mask

I may have a new addiction. Korean beauty products. 
And how, you might ask yourself, does a gal in rural North Carolina end up addicted to such a random thing? 
I've recently gotten into watching a YouTube channel of a husband & wife who lived in Korea, and are now living in Japan. (Simon & Martina, if you're curious). She reviewed a few products by Etude House on their channel, and my interests were piqued. 

I wound up buying some Etude House products from Amazon, and fell in love. THEN, I discovered that Ulta stores carry the TonyMoly brand (although its crazy expensive there), and the addiction began.  Most (not all) of the products are way cheaper on Amazon, so I highly recommend buying them there if you can. However, some things aren't available, or the shipping takes forever. But if you can find one for a good price with decent shipping - win! 

On a recent shopping trip with my cousin, we visited an Ulta that had a great selection of TonyMoly products, and I couldn't resist buying a few that I hadn't seen before. The Angel Glow Ring Hair Mask was one of them. And at $4.75, it wasn't too expensive of a purchase. 

I gave it a whirl whilst snowed in last weekend, and thought I would share my thoughts on it here.
 So here we go! 

The packaging on all the Korean products I've bought so far are an added bonus - it's all just so cute!

There are two steps to using the mask. After shampooing your hair, you massage the 'hair treatment' (located in the smaller portion of the 'wing') onto your hair. Its a very thick conditioner with these weird random gold specks in it. I should have gotten a photo of it, but trying to get it out of the package and onto my hair...was a bit messy.  

I should probably mention - I cut the two sections of the package apart for easier use. It helped, but not much. 

The treatment cream smelled nice, but VERY strong and VERY perfume-y. That was a bit of a turn off, honestly. I expected it to have some scent, but it was extremely strong.  

The next step is to put your hair in the cap, which contains 'essence', and massage. It was pretty comical, trying to get all my newly treated strands INTO the cap, but I managed!

So super sexy.

Let me pause a moment to say this - this hair cap smelled kinda bad. I'm not sure if it was the essence or just the cap itself, but it had a weird smell. It smelled even worse when mixed with the perfume-y treatment cream. 

But I soldiered on! 

I massaged my scalp like the instructions said, and then left the cap on for about 20 minutes (the instructions said 15-20). Once the time was up, I rinsed my hair well (the treatment made some very interesting bubbles in the sink!). 

After combing through my hair again, I could already tell a difference. My hair felt smoother and softer, even when wet. There also seemed to be less frizz action. The smell lingered, much to my dismay.

I let my hair air dry for about an hour or so, and then used a blow dryer to finish it up. I could tell a huge difference in my hair then. It definitely felt softer, and there was a noticeable difference in the amount of frizz. My hair was also a bit less 'poofy' than it normally is after blow drying.

Yes, this is the less poofy look.
Finally, I used my flat iron, just like I would on a normal day. It took much less work to smooth out my hair, and actually, I probably could have either skipped the flat iron altogether, or just focused on the ends. But since I was snowed in anyway, that was neither here nor there.

However! My hair was super soft, even if it did sort of smell like a funeral home.
(Have I mentioned I didn't like the smell yet? XD)

It was so soft I couldn't stop touching it all day. 
And just so you're aware - the smell lasted all day too. 

I washed my hair as usual the next morning, and the mask seemed to have some lingering effects. My hair still felt softer and smoother, though much of the heaviness (and the smell!) had gone.

My final verdict? 
I liked the mask process (pampering yourself is fun!), and the effect it had on my hair (so soft!). I would do a few things differently, should I do it again, but overall I enjoyed it. But the scent was a massive turn off, and I don't think I would be willing to pay for this product again, knowing that the scent is so strong and stays all day. 
I would definitely be willing to try another TonyMoly hair product, however, based on the results of this one. 

Have you used this mask, or others like it? Leave me a comment describing your experience!
Also - did you enjoy this review? Would you like to see more? Let me know, and I'll write more reviews of my TonyMoly and Etude House products!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Great post you have shared here about angel glow ring hair mask. I can see this hair mask provides great results. If you are looking for korean beauty brands then you can visit kbeautyluxury having wide range of wholesale beauty products.


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