02/05/2020 Edit: So, the credit card I made my purchase on waaay back in September was compromised today, and while I cannot prove that it was linked to this company, I cannot say that it WASN'T. In the interests of all parties involved, I'm removing all links/references to the company.

Remember my recent post about my Lilo cosplay? Of course you do! (and if not, click the link to go read it, haha!)
I posted a quick blurb about it on my Instagram (which you can follow if you feel so inclined), I was contacted a company called (REDACTED) about becoming an ambassador.
Can I just pause and say holy cow at the number of links so far in this post..? I promise there won't be too many more!
Okay, moving on.
After a lengthy debate regarding the offer, and perusing the various wares offered by (REDACTED), I decided to accept and order myself a new kigurumi. I had ordered a Pikachu one from Wish many many months ago, but as a result of my weight loss, it's now hopelessly too big. Sad face. Honestly, it wasn't really terrific quality to begin with, but for the price I paid, it worked well enough and I loved it.
But it was time for an upgrade.
I decided to order a Snorlax kigurumi, since we share many of the same qualities. Predilection for falling asleep in random, inconvenient places, waking up solely to eat...you see where I'm headed with this, right? XD
My kigurumi came in the mail last week, and I was SO EXCITED that I literally ripped open the package and put it on right then.
Super adorable, right?! |
And then I promptly took it back off and tossed it into the washer, because it smelled pretty awful, not even lying. A quick wash and dry later, I was back in my snuggly Snorlax kigurumi, and ready for action. And by action I mean raiding the fridge.
Decisions, decisions... |
As disappointed as I was with the quality of the Pikachu kigurumi I ordered from Wish, I was that impressed with the quality of the Snorlax one from (REDACTED)!
It's a wonderfully warm, soft fleece, and feels exactly like wearing the most comfortable blanket.
Even goes great with my taco cat socks! |
The hood is nice and thick, and it actually stays on my head comfortably when I feel like wearing it.
While I could certainly extoll the virtues of my new Snorlax gear for quite some time, there is a very important reason I am making this post about it. See, as part of the Ambassador program, I get a special discount code to share with my followers. Which means...
You can have your very own Snorlax kigurumi! Y'all, we could make an army of Snorlax..es...wait. What's the plural of Snorlax? Snorlaxes? Snorlaxi? >.<
Or you could choose an Espeon, or Charizard...OR you could get any of the other awesome cosplay items on their site, all at a discounted price!
Be sure to tag (REDACTED) on Instagram in your photos should you decide to purchase (and feel free to tag me as well). I'd enjoy seeing my Snorlax army grow...but I'd enjoy seeing anything else you purchase as well!
And in the efforts of full disclosure: I was not paid by (REDACTED) to post this, nor did I receive my Snorlax kigurumi for free (though I was given a discount). However, I will receive compensation for any sales made using my code.
Happy shopping, and happy Snorlax-ing! :)
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