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Brilliant Benefits of Creative Hobbies

 As y'all should already know, I am somewhat of a creative individual. I dabble in various crafts and hobbies, and thoroughly enjoy doing so. But while having a hobby is a fun way to pass the time, and can even be a source of income if you choose, have you ever thought about the health benefits of devoting time to your interests and passions? There are numerous benefits to having a creative hobby! 

The first benefit? Developing new skills! Taking up a new hobby is a fantastic way to develop new skills and hone existing skills. When I first began learning to crochet, I'll admit, I was terrible. But with time and practice, I got better. And then even better. Spending time being creative helped me to develop a new skill and then hone those skills to the point where I now regularly sell my creations to earn a bit of income.

I will admit it - I am very much an introvert. However, even for those of us who prefer solitude, there is no denying that having a creative hobby is a fabulous way to meet new people. I have met countless people and other crafters through various events and shows, have exchanged tips and tricks, and so much more! So whether it's attending craft shows, sewing events, or workshops, you have the opportunity to meet people with shared interests. Having a creative hobby is a great way to put yourself out there to develop a new friendship, or just to get some social interaction.

So...are you ever stressed? Of course you are! Life is stressful. But guess what - being creative is a highly effective way to manage stress and clear your mind. Crocheting is one of my major sources of stress relief, and it always makes me feel better once I spend some quality time with my yarn. Spending the time with your own creative hobby can help you de-stress, wind down and relax. Having a creative outlet is definitely beneficial to your mental health!

The final benefit for having a creative hobby is that it allows you to express yourself. I recently purchased my very first home, and it has been so. much. fun. decorating and adding personal touches to my new space. The photo above is a rug that I created especially for my room. It makes me happy each time I see it, because I know that I made it especially for that spot. Being able to express one's self by being creative is good for your mental well-being. Not only will it help you to de-stress, but it will give you that extra seratonin boost as well!

And there you have it - being creative and having a creative hobby is undoubtedly beneficial for your health and well-being. Not only can you better yourself by developing new skills, you can reap the benefits of better mental health and enjoy finding new ways to express yourself.

What creative hobbies do you enjoy? What hobbies are you seeking to try next? Let me know in the comments! 


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